White Flower › 2018
violin, cello | 11:15 for Markus Placci and Rhonda Rider
premiere: Placci & Rider; April 6, 2018 at Boston Conservatory, Faculty Chamber Series

n o t e s

White Flower is the title of a 1960 painting by Agnes Martin. Martin's work makes reference to weaving and textiles, and implies a relationship with the applied arts; her paintings are o#en similar to one another, self-similar within themselves, and reminiscent of decorative patterns.

Canon, as a musical form, is analogous to weaving in its reliance upon careful construction, interlocking of strands, and building of a texture out of the simple relationships of points and lines. "is piece is an "improvisation" on the weaving process, just as Martin's work articulates an affinity to patterning and decorative arts without adopting the strict procedures. 

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